Android 18
Android 18

android 18

Android 18 android#

Android 18 can enhance her strength, speed, and endurance with her energy, greatly surpassing the limitations of her physically body. Wiz: Ki is just as much a defensive tool as well. She can even use her husband's signature technique, the Destructo Disc.īoomstick: It's a Buzzsaw made out of pure energy! Why don't more Dragon Ball characters use that thing? Wiz: Her Photon Strike lays waste to a vast area in an instant. It's a stampede of energy blasts which are nearly impossible to avoid. Android 18 has dozen of other techniques, such as Infinity Bullets.īoomstick: I know what you're thinking, but it's not a magic gun with unlimited ammo. Talk about getting finger blasted, am I right? With her Ki, 18 can fire a barrage of energy beams powerful enough to destroy buildings, continents, possibly even planets.īoomstick: Like the finger beam, haha. Wiz: She does this by harnessing Ki, a Taoist-inspired life force energy manifested through a person's spirit and vigor. This chick can embed a person straight into the side of a cliff with a single smack, or shoot explosions out of her hands. Gero's programming stems from decades of military dominance, granting her incredible hand-to-hand combat skills and mechanically enhanced senses for superb situational awareness.īoomstick: And she's got the strength to back it up. Wiz: Android 18 is an extremely competitive fighter with numerous deadly abilities. Plus, 18 doesn't really age, so that's a serious win. Wiz: She even wound up starting a family with Krillin.īoomstick: Nice! Give it up for Krillin! Not only is he punching above his bracket, but he's laying pipe above it as well. After witnessing the compassion of the heroes, including a bald, vertically challenged martial artist named Krillin, 18 had a change of heart and joined the good guys.

android 18

Gero, even with his own cyborg body, didn't stand a chance.īoomstick: With nothing better to do, the twins set off to ravage the world as predicted. Wiz: Yeah, Android 18 and her brother were pretty unruly and a force to be reckoned with.

android 18

No wonder she kept the name 18 after brutally murdering her maker. It happens to the best of us.īoomstick: Android 18's real name is Lazuli, which sounds like some sort of Italian pasta dish. I'll just chalk it up to a classic case of revenge madness. You'd think a doctor with Gero's prestige would know the difference. So that makes them cyborgs, not androids. 17 and 18 were actually humans once, siblings even. Wiz: Though android isn't entirely accurate. Wiz: And so he designed some of his deadliest creations to date: Android 17, and Android 18. Like any mad scientist hellbent on revenge, the good doctor got back to doing what he did best. Gero, founder and lead scientist of the Red Ribbon Army, held a grudge against Goku for over 20 years. Wiz: To be brief, the Red Ribbon Army was the greatest military force ever known, even greater than the Earth's entire armed forces combined.īoomstick: Until a tiny monkey child named Goku strolled through and wrecked their shit. Wiz: In just three years' time, two deadly androids would rise up and ravage the earth, all while wearing the mark of the long-forgotten Red Ribbon Army.īoomstick: This sounds like it's gonna get complicated real fast. Unsung heroes led by the Super Saiyan Goku had saved the world from an evil galactic tyrant.īoomstick: Everything seemed pretty hunky-dory, until a mysterious time traveler showed up out of nowhere with a grave warning. Wiz: In the Age 763, peace had returned to the Earth.

Android 18